Penny was a personal finance app that helps you track your income and spending. Whenever you chatted with Penny, she shared important and fun information about your finances with you.
Want to reduce your expenses? Or understand where your earnings go? Join the thousands to manage your budget in a brand-new way. Adding spendings have never been that easy! Save not only your money, but time as well.
Learn how to create an effective budget that includes your entire monthly income and outgoings, ensuring you’ll always know exactly what you have to spend. At Budgetnuts, we believe finance should be simple, and we aim is to help you to start saving for a brighter future, today.
Monetal is my vision of the personal finance application. It uses "tap-tap-tap" technology, which is very fast way to add new transactions. It supports three main platforms, takes 5Mb, free from ads and doesn't required any registration. It contains all your data offline, which will be around 500Kb for 5 years. I hope you'll like it. Thank you.
Team Money is a Collaborative Budget Management app. It administrates money belongs to a team. All team members can see who bring the money and how much, what the money is used for, and transfer the money among them. Members can also search for transactions by date, description, tags and other attributes.
Join The Wealth Pool to help you plan and make better financial decisions by benchmarking your financial health against “pools” of original, crowdsourced household data. ⠀ Learn how others manage their finances to help better handle your own.
Limitless is a micro-savings app that makes sure that you have enough money to do cool stuff now and later. At this stage of development the money you save using Limitless will be transferred to a dedicated ''savings'' account at bunq rather than invested. In the future some of your savings will be invested into risk appropriate, low-cost funds.
Early Bird is a tool you can use to track when you've borrowed money from your savings! It then keeps track of that balance, and e-mails you to let you know how much you should be repaying each month!
Earmarked is a personal finance app where you can create custom collections (eg. weeks, months, quarters, trips, or just about anything you like) and allocate a budget to them. A constant reminder of your balance helps you spend where its essential.
An easy & flexible solution to help you manage budgets & procurement efficiently. Track your budgets, purchase orders, deliveries, and invoices all in one place.