

Coffee tracking for weird coffee people
1 review

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What do people think of Brewtime?

The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about Brewtime, what Brewtime can do better, and more.

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Tom Douglas
1 review
I’d have loved to try this product, but the amount of PII harvested for what amounts to maybe a fun app is insane. Contact data and identifiers? Why? Revise your app to be more privacy conscious and I’d love to download and give it a try (and revise my review.)
Carl-W Igelstroem
Hi and thank you for your review. The only contact data collected is the email used to create an account, and I don't require it to be a real email. It's just there to be an account placeholder. There are no account verification steps, it's just a facilitator for the user to have an account and to assign a userID to the entries in my database. Otherwise, I collect app usage statistics so I know what people are using and not using in the app, and this data is anonymous. then I collect error reports which do include some information on the type of device it happened on, this data is also completely anonymous. I hope that can clarify. P.S. I must also say, as this is not a review and you have not actually used the app yet, you should take this sort of discussion up in the comment section. Right now when people see this product entry on the site they will be instantly put off by the 1-star review. This is neither fair to the people who might enjoy the app nor to me as a developer. I have explained the data collection on my site as well, clearly stating what data I collect and why. 👉