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We all know and hate the guilty feeling we get when we procrastinate. With Time 2, that feeling is a thing of the past. To use the app, you add a task like "Tweak Sketch mockups, 30 minutes.” & a brightly colored timer counts down as you work. This timer helps you feel a slight twinge of pressure so you get your work done.
Originally launched in January 2017, Time is a brilliant way to stay focused and crush procrastination. It helps you focus in a way that no calendar or todo list can. The latest version, Time 2, offers a polished new design for people who want to become productivity pros! Built by an 18 year old now at Harvard and a 16 year old in high school.
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Marking a task compete isn’t obvious and I still don’t really know how to do.
I’d like to expand time chunk.
Long task names get cut off.
I wish there were a few more options for organizing completed items or moving items around. For example, I accidentally left an item running on Thursday last week and incorrectly cancelled it today when I meant for it to be complete. I can't now record it as complete for Dec 7.