BirthdayBot for Slack is an employee engagement tool to keep track of the team's birthdays and anniversaries. The app helps people keep connected with their on-site and remote colleagues and helps HRs build a recognition-rich corporate culture. After a 1-min setup, BirthdayBot automatically collects dates of birth, introduces itself in the channel you choose, and provides super flexible settings to make everyone feel comfortable. You will love complete automation, gentle flexible reminders, team settings, default celebration packs with friendly texts and nice gifs, and almost unlimited opportunities for creating custom-branded celebrations. A free plan for smaller teams and a free trial for everyone are available. Build a remote employee birthday & anniversary celebration program in a few clicks. Search us on the Slack app directory or visit our website:
Days Counter is a simple free tool that allows you to keep track of all upcoming key events and countdown to life’s milestones. This app also keeps record of all the past events. Count up and countdown modes, Dark mode, Widgets, Customizable interface
We're all born again the first time we use Ethereum. Eth Birthdays is a web app + Twitter bot that lets you wish crypto friends a Happy Ethereum Birthday (their first ever transaction) on Twitter.
At Your Birthday you'll detach your birthdays calendar from Facebook and make it your own again. We help you export your birthdays from Facebook so you can finally stop relying on them for your birthday reminders.
Hey everyone I would love some feedback on Birthday Board. We used to pass around a birthday card when we were in the office which was replaced with google slides and paypal after we went remote. I thought this could be a nice alternative.
Create a one-of-a-kind video wishing someone a happy birthday – we'll gather submissions from friends, compile it into a beautiful video, and deliver it on the big day 🎂
Become a birthday hero with Birthdayrama! This iOS app is all about caring about your dear ones - it is a beautiful birthday and gift reminder app that, besides birthdays, helps you remember awesome gift ideas (+ their location) and become a beloved gift giver!