Would love to give this a go for our team's growth personnel as soon as possible!
I don't have a ton of experience with Avo yet, but I'm intimately familiar with the problem it is solving, and I've seen enough (through a demo and through my own exploratory use) to know that this is the solution I always wanted but never knew I wanted. Instead I was stuck with spreadsheets describing the analytics setup that were well intentioned but quickly got stale and were lacking the ability to communicate with the rest of the team, let alone verify that everything is OK between the code and the analytics design.
The main thing I worry is that e.g. the android team and iOS team may interpret an even as happening at different times, so it's unclear if the events *mean* the same thing across implementations. If Avo could figure that part out, it'd be a killer weapon :D
My company was one of the first Avo users. Avo helps product people like me define what to measure with analytics. Our workflow: - We start by hosting “purpose meetings” where we map out each feature on our roadmap. - We discuss the problem we are trying to solve, outline the reason for building this feature and clear metrics to see if we accomplish those things. - After this meeting, I jump in Avo, set up our goals, write up an all the relevant events on a new branch in Avo and post it as a task in Asana. - From there our Engineers grab the branch, have Avo automatically generate all the code they need, and then add these snippets to the relevant places in our codebase. Now I know that we are consistently tracking the right things. When we have these solid foundations, I can build dashboards that show metrics towards our objectives, and I'm confident that the data is correct. Avo has proven to be immensely valuable for us and created a very data-centric culture. 🚀 Would definitely recommend to a friend! 😄