It’s too difficult to meet the right people. That’s why we built Rey, an A.I. that puts networking on autopilot. Rey works in the background, obsessing over who you should meet. When Rey finds a match, it makes an introduction over email. You’re in control — you approve every introduction.
Love the intros, and how magical it feels when rey emails me back after I agree to meet the match.
Rey has introduced me to a handful of incredibly interesting and relevant people, who I likely wouldn't have met elsewhere, in the first couple months of use. The interface is great - I get an email - if I'm interested in meeting the person, I reply - if not, I archive the email (to keep at inbox zero).
I'm super interested to see how Rey's AI will be able to align with my specific needs. For example, if I want to shoot a video, I see videographer intros, or if I'm looking to hire a mobile dev, mobile dev's who are looking for work land in my inbox.
Looking forward to the continued roll-out and expansion of Rey's user network
Super cool product, especially for the people like me who have little/no time to network and turn that limited time into high value introductions