Didn't want it to come to this as knocking companies online is not me, but completely lack of adequate support during a terrible stay over a multi-month period deserves recognition. Try to steer clear of any new homes they open, as they don't actually employ people to look after them nor do they own the homes, so if things go awry you're at the mercy of their lackluster CS team. It took weeks to remedy a situation without any form of an apology, refund, or alternative. I was offered a meager credit in my account, which was less than the yearly membership cost. They rely on their built-in community as their selling point, which is phenomenal as the people who I've met here have been great. To that end, I wish the structure were far stronger to allow for immediate help; a critical facet for any accommodation company. Avg reply time was measured in days, not minutes, and resolutions in weeks not days at Outsite. If someone with actual status in Outsite reads this (doubtful) - I truly want this line of business to succeed, but the operational and leadership structure you have in place is killing your chance at making a meaningful dent in this ecosystem. An on-call phone number, albeit even overseas, would help you tremendously. You are in the lodging and travel industry, remember that.
Big fan of Outsite: i tested their LA, NYC and Puerto Rico locations, always loved it. Felt like a home away from home and not once have I not met interesting people while staying there. Good combo between private and social spaces, can't wait to visit more locations.
Outsite provides an exceptional and dependable solution for digital nomads, always ensuring top-quality locations with strong wifi, conducive for work. Coupled with the flexibility of their services and the company of like-minded individuals, it creates a truly enriching and reliable experience for a nomadic lifestyle.
Have been staying with Outsite since 2021 and have explored so many great cities: Boulder, Austin, Lisbon, Santa Cruz, Lake Tahoe, and San Francisco. Homes have always been setup in a way to encourage co-working and productivity. The sense of community when checking out a new city is top notch as well. Highly recommend and will be looking forward to future stays!