Chrome's latest update broke hundreds of keyboard shortcuts I've made over the years using their edit search engines feature, and I cannot find a workaround. I basically can't use my browser anymore. It's killing me.
Does anybody else use keyboard shortcuts to navigate to websites? What's the workaround? I'd be willing to switch browsers or install a dedicated app. I just would really love to preserve all the keyboard shortcuts I've made.
I love using these features and I just can't keep it to myself!98% of people don't know how to use them correctly. Here are 11 Google search tricks that will make your life easier ↓↓↓1. "Phrase Search" Wrap your search words in quotes for precise results. All outputs will include your exact phrase.
2. "Minus Sign - " To omit a word from your search, prefix it with a dash. Example: jaguar -car This will show results for the animal jaguar, not the car brand Jaguar.
3. "Tilde Usage ~ " Apply a tilde to display synonyms in the search outcomes. Example: gardening ~guides This yields results for gardening guides, tutorials, manuals, etc.
4. "Site Search" Employ this to search solely within a chosen website. Example: chocolate cake site:bakingworld. com This looks for chocolate cake recipes on the specified website (bakingworld dot com)
5. "Vertical Bar" Acts similar to the OR operator. Example: Cake | Cookies Translates as Cake OR Cookies.
6. "Double Dots" Implement double dots to search within a numerical range. Example: laptops $200..$500 This searches for laptops priced between $200 and $500.
7. "Location-Based Search" Utilize this feature to find news tied to a specific locale. Example: Tech Startup location:austin This finds news about Tech Startups in Austin.
8. "Filetype" Leverage this to search for a specific file format correlated to your query. Example: chocolate cake recipe filetype:doc This filters out non-doc type chocolate cake recipes from your search results.9. "Allititle: " Use this for searching for anything within that title Like allintitle:Best Cakes Recipe 2023 Google will show all results for this title10. "Related" Find sites that are similar to other sites Search: related: https:/x. com/ Will show you all the sites related to X.11. "vs" Compare two or more things using “vs” Just search: India VS Australia You already know the results
12. Bonus "Play Games" Explore Google's range of integrated games like Pac-Man and Solitaire. Need a coin flip or dice roll? Just ask Google
What are your thoughts? Do you use them too?
Chrome is getting a new look today, 10 years after Google’s browser first launched. The new design includes rounded shapes and tabs, a fresh color palette, and updated icons. Google is updating the whole of Chrome to include this new user interface, and altering prompts, menus, and URLs in the address bar to match the new design.