Youtube or Spotify? Which do you like more?

Olatz Urrutia
48 replies
I was a loyal Youtube user, but I hear more and more people talking about Spotify? What do you think? Which do you like more?


Aliaksei Saskevich
Sequoia: Men's Sexual Wellness
I prefer Spotify - a lot of great music and podcasts I like to listen to
Olatz Urrutia
@asaskevich That's great! I see a lot of Spotify fans so I get it. I'd need to test it πŸ‘€
Eraj Ismatulloev
The question is rather vague, you need to clarify the question:-) Spotify is good for listening to music. YouTube is good for random videos on random topics from across the globe.
Olatz Urrutia
@ieraj I know... I wanted to be that way so that you can explain this. I wanted to see in terms of content, music, podcasts, among others. So if I put just one that'd have been just wrong. The answer is perfect, though! Thanks πŸ™Œ
Alexander Gorskij
Sequoia: Men's Sexual Wellness
Spotify !
Kate Santoro
I prefer Spotify for music and podcasts. I use YouTube pretty much mostly for travel tips when planning a trip or to learn how to do something specific (DIY projects for example).
Olatz Urrutia
@kate_santoro1 Awesome! Thanks for that Kate πŸ™Œ Do you still listen to music on Yotube or not at all?
Kate Santoro
@olatz_urrutia Nope, music always Spotify. :) Sometimes I use YouTube if I want to see a music video or a live version.
Pleasure Meditation
@olatz_urrutia @kate_santoro1 Yes! Thanks. That is what I mean too! lol. I PREFER a performance video with my music. I suppose I can blame MTV. lol.
Eileen Simons
Twitch for streamers or events, Podimo for Podcasts & TikTok or IG for other type of content
Olatz Urrutia
@eileen_simons Fair enough! What about music though?
Denis Galka
Sequoia: Men's Sexual Wellness
Definitely Spotify. It has some issues that irritate me but still, Spotify is better than Youtube. Youtube is about video, not about music
Olatz Urrutia
@denis_galka Got it! I'm going to be giving Spotify a second chance soon
Afan Sheikh
Spotify, because of its background music option.
Shubham Pratap Singh
Spotify is good for music but YouTube is best for everything, music, movies and most important learning.
Olatz Urrutia
@shubham_pratap Get it! So in terms of music you are leaning towards Spotify? Interesting! Thanks for this, will need to try again myself. I guess I just used it when it started and I didn't quite get it...
Elli Kim
Being an iOS (=apple music) user I've never had a need for Spotify, whereas Youtube feels to me like another Google (=search engine to get useful info!)
Olatz Urrutia
@elli_kim Exactly! Do you use Youtube to listen to music or you just use it in order to see other content?
Jennifer McKnight
Spotify. πŸ’―πŸ’―
Spotify so far
Anna Chen
Both work for me, but if you had to choose one I would choose youtube because it includes a lot more features than spotify.
Dmitry Sytsevich
Sequoia: Men's Sexual Wellness
Spotify πŸ’―
Giannis Kiokpas
i think we need a Youtify or a Spotube!
Damon Ledford
When I was younger, I would have chosen YouTube without any hesitation, but nowadays Spotify has became crucial in my life.
Jyoti Kanabar
I find youtube more useful if you ask me to pick here. But for solely music i like this gem of an app called Resso- its amazing
Olatz Urrutia
@aiden_ross_albright Noted, thanks! Do you use Youtube or with Spotify is enough?
Alazne Doforno
Spotify is my go-to music streaming platform, and although I have tried others, I always find myself returning to it. It has become a habit since I created my account in 2008.