Why your DMs are open on Twitter?
14 replies
Why do you choose to offer people to send you a DM on Twitter?
To build relationships, to grow through others, to connect with people...?
Victor Metelskiy@victor_metelskiy
Because i don't receive too much spam there (yet).
Twitter > LinkedIn. I didn't really use Twitter until last year! It has been an incredible tool for networking and even job haunting! DMs are the best way to connect with people! So why not? I usually have my DMs open on all platforms. I'm glad that bigger angels and VCs have their DMs open!
@vahramantonyan I agree with you. Thanks to the DMs, I bring advice to those who want it and I receive a lot of it.
To start conversations with new, often unexpected people I would have never met in real life :)
Why not? It's worth getting the small amount of spam to make connections and allow anyone who finds me on Twitter to reach out directly.
Lexington Themes
I get too much spam asking me to test aps andso on. Removing it on 2022
It is always nice to connect with smart people. Now the only friends I have are the ones I met through Twitter DMs.
Cinematic Studio
Probably all of the above π
For me there's no reason to close off DMs on Twitter. I'm new and happy to connect with other people if they like.