why can't some folks take feedback?--

9 replies
--without trying to justify why they designed, built, merchandised, packaged, and/or distributed a product in a certain way? it has happened to me twice on this platform. on top of that, 2 people told me to go do extra work of research to ✨ figure it out✨ pertaining to some market research or their service. rude. my profile says "burntout" for a reason. if i had a block button, omg...has this happened to any other beta testers?


Igor Lysenko
I think this is due to the fact that there is no reward for reviewing, they don’t really want to devote time to it
@ixord uxr people are laughing
✨ figure it out ✨ 😂 i think they'll learn the hard way eventually that this process won't work out so well for them
@entreeden so many processes, especially the way product hunt works. i could see if i was trolling this guy... 🥲
Tyler Scott
I need feedback! I'm basically scratching and clawing at my way to get it on my current social media accounts and I'm still not getting any. It's awful!
@scottlabsai thank you for saying that because i'm sure it can be vulnerable to admit to needing help and also it reassures me that it's bad form to argue with someone who is taking time to both check out one's product AND engage, even if it's not what they were hoping to hear. i did block that person, btw, because i just don't need notifications like that.
Julia Suontama
OMG like we are graving all the feedback we can get and some won't take it. 😅 I actually wrote an article about our MVP journey and I believe feedback plays a big role there: https://medium.com/@julia_37772/...
@juliasuontama i also follow you and checked out boxio -- i like the idea of creating custom widgets on my phone where it wouldn't be possible otherwise
@juliasuontama yeah it could've just been radio silence. time is valuable and when people take theirs to offer info that could help improve a product at no charge?... need i say more? 😐🥲