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  • Who are you building for?

    11 replies
    I’ve always wondered on PH, do people actually create products people want or just building for this community?


    Natalia Toth
    We're building for marketers, site owners, and SEO professionals who want to get strong backlinks from verified sites. We invest a lot in user research to understand if our potential users actually need the tool and what jobs our tool would solve
    @natalia_toth Thanks for sharing Natalia🙏🏿 what made you and team know that your potential users are having the problem/s you’re looking to solve?
    I totally feel your question, and also wonder the same. I'm not sure if it's common here to have large companies already implemented or serial entrepreneurs. In any case, the thing I'm working on is truly my baby, and I think it can have a great impact in the world. So I'm building it for you too, and literally everyone on here I hope can be users. I'd be happy if you check it out and support on launch day. it's called wingtap.
    @remi_fansquad here you go! and on my profile you can access the website :) https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Jade Grimwood
    @remi_fansquad @kitanirjv Nikita - love your app concept. Already hit the Notify button - sounds really impactful. What drove you to create this? We've launched today (for the first time) and are enjoying the wild ride - it's so fun to engage with this community.
    @jade_grimwood Thank you so much Jade! I’ve always been a fan of sports and competed from elementary to college. I wanted to build something that I was looking for and that was camaraderie and I felt that other platforms are missing that.
    @jade_grimwood Congrats on your launch!! And you got pretty up there, nice ranking Jade! I wish you the very best with Marlee. Wingtap started for two reasons: 1) it should be easier to have a lasting impact. I truly believe people would help out someone in need if they have the opportunity. People are good, generous and helpful. 2) Our future at times seems a bit bleak, and why not try do something about it. We need hope and it would be nice to be involved in making the world better. ---> So we started wingtap. It's 2024, we should be able to change things from anywhere if we want to, easily, quickly, and there are amazing people around the world working to solve issues. Kids who need to go to school, animals that need protection from going extinct, and many other things. Imagine if millions of us start helping out those people and organizations? And we can, I think: who isn't buying a ton of things from Amazon or coffees or takeaway food? so contributing 5$ or 10$ every other week is possible, or more for those who can...
    Jade Grimwood
    @kitanirjv What a powerful story Nikita! I see your passion and feel it in those words. Wishing you the very best with Wingtap - such a powerful idea! And thank you for supporting Marlee! We’re very proud!
    Gillian Laging
    I'm building for professional services companies. So it's yet to be seen whether this community will be useful from the perspective of finding beta users and customers. I imagine a lot of makers also work at development agencies or in consulting - so it is possible we'll find our audience. But I'm also here to be inspired by what other people are building.
    @gillian_laging Awesome to hear Gillian! I hope you’re able to connect with the audience you’re looking for.