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  • Which social media platform do you spend the most time on?

    Sherry L
    74 replies
    Personally, its Instagram for me but the rise of TikTok is here? or is it already here....


    Huudle AI Project Assistant
    LinkedIn! I used to be an influencer on IG creating travel-themed content, but I froze my account in 2021 to give a break, and I haven't opened it since then. Such a relief, and I've got the energy for creation instead of consuming lots of irrelevant content. One downside of it - as a growth marketer, this keeps me from learning the latest trends and I sometimes be late for applying it to my clients' strategy.
    Sherry L
    @bahar_ozkan Totally agree, I'm not fully immersed on tiktok so am struggling to keeping up with trends :(
    Yes, I agree with you
    Sherry L
    @patnishubh Out of curiosity what do you do on X?
    @shezzy04 if you follow right people, you get tons of insights, know where tech is moving, get job offers. I got more jobs from twitter than Linkedin, got many users and feedback, opportunities etc
    Sherry L
    @patnishubh ahh finding the right people is hard. How did you go about that? and thats amazing, getting jobs offers through twitter!
    @shezzy04 Im into saas, developers, crypto etc so I follow those accounts. Ex - Levelsio - perter levels started the whole nomad saas thing. Whomever he follows you can follow them then for developers - theo (founder uploadthing), lee (vercel), shadcn (shadcnui) etc you can follow them to learn development and whomever they follow For crypto development - t11s, dan robinson, eric wall etc. They are non-hype crypto accounts without BS You can also go through my following list - https://twitter.com/PatniShubh I think twitter is very underrated
    Chiara Schwarz-Weichhart
    @patnishubh You never stop learning: Now I also know that "X" is the shortcut for Twitter.
    Sherry L
    @serednev Interesting! What do you do on there? Other than another messenger app, I don't know what else is on there
    Chiara Schwarz-Weichhart
    @serednev Can Telegram even be considered a social media platform?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    For now, LinkedIn.
    Sherry L
    @nicolaas_spijker wow interesting! Are you a active participant on many channels?
    Nico Spijker
    @shezzy04 Yup, currently browsing about 10 subs for an hour a day, has led to some decent traffic as well.
    Anna Sazonova
    same Instagram 🫶
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    For me it is IG and Tiktoks
    Sherry L
    @sylvia_sheng Is IG popular in the Chinese market?
    Sherry L
    @sylvia_sheng fascinating! Then what is the most popular? and thanks for the insight :)
    FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
    Kia Kamgar
    𝕏, LI & Vero
    Kia Kamgar
    @shezzy04 personal photos and such - vero.co
    Sherry L
    @kiakamgar Oooh ill check it out, Thanks so much!
    Bohdan Honyk
    Instagram and LinkedIn
    Igor Lysenko
    I spend most of my time on PH and LinkedIn, but I can spend no more than 20 minutes on other social networks.
    For me , IG and Tiktok
    Stefan Wirth
    👰 Maid of Speeches
    👰 Maid of Speeches
    Twitter or whatever it's called these days hehe
    Crypto Signals
    If you're asking about the social media platform where you spend the most time, and it's LinkedIn, you could say: "I spend the most time on LinkedIn."businessspotty.com/
    Carol Moh
    TikTok takes the top spot for me!
    Mihajlo Kovacevic
    Dumbbe, love the memes :)
    Sherry L
    @mihajlokovacevic never heard of this! and can't google either? What platform is this?