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  • Which part of your daily routine is non-negotiable? ⏱️

    34 replies


    Working out. It makes me feel a bit rejuvenated and a bit exhausted too. Haha.
    Leo J Barnett
    Reading first thing in the morning after waking up. My favourite thing.
    @leojbarnett great habit! do you read fiction or non-fiction?
    Leo J Barnett
    @fekdaoui Both! So important to have balance. E.g. lasts books read were Iliad, Ikigai and now Traction :)
    Interesting one) I would say having breakfast)
    Chirag Dodiya
    Taking bath as soon as I wake up. Puts me in the most freshest mood.
    Buse Kara
    Feeding my cat🐱
    Jane Alexander
    Taking a bath as soon as I wake up puts me in the freshest mood possible.
    Gregory Adams
    Puts me in the freshest mood.
    Teddy Coes
    water right after waking up from the bed, then coffee for breakfast :)
    Shailendra Singh
    Preparing the list of to-dos first thing in the morning on Workflowy. It list the tasks I think I can finish in a day. Tasks I cannot finish are pushed to the weekly bucket
    Fabian Maume
    The 2 batches of maté 🧉
    Randy Taylor
    For me having breakfast, I need energy !
    Steve Howard
    Caffeine- It maintains my sunny personality.
    Getting adequate sleep. Getting some form of physical activity.