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  • What you’ll never do with AI?

    Lindsay Davis
    7 replies
    I wouldn't want AI to completely replace human creativity in art, music, and other creative fields. What about yours?


    Alex Bozhin
    Communication with family
    Luc-Rikardo Fils
    Make food. And my wife agrees with you when it comes to the arts!
    LinkedCRM AI
    LinkedCRM AI
    Make major decisions for me.
    Gurkaran Singh
    I'd never rely on AI to compose a love letter; nothing beats the charm of handwritten words straight from the heart! Don't need a robot to meddle with matters of the heart, am I right?
    I believe AI should never replace the human touch in emotional support and caregiving. Problem: Finding time to create engaging social media content consistently. Contentify can help by automating the creation and scheduling of social media posts, allowing you to maintain a strong online presence without spending hours on content creation. Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI