What would you put on your "stop doing" list?
Brenna Donoghue
15 replies
How long do you let something sit incomplete on your to-do list before you take it off? How often do you audit how you spend your time and commit to stopping doing something?
I feel like I need a busy-ness audit and to make some decisions about what I'll stop doing in order to make time for the important.
Rachee Jacobs@racheej
Saying yes to everything
Pull Request Approver
For me it's stop jumping from one project idea to another 😄
I used to have a list of something to-do and never take it. This year I tried to have to-do list with points for each ticket and make a one week epic. Every Sunday I create epic for the week and add tickets, but not more than 20 points, because then I'll need to have extra time that I don't want to spend. That way I can do small thing every day for about 1-2 hours after work and not thinking about what's the next thing I should do.
Works pretty well for me! And it's so cool to see epics with 100% closed tickets.
@pavel_keyzik 100% now that is motivating. I think it takes a lot of discipline to limit it to 20 points. I struggle with that.
Pull Request Approver
@brenna_donoghue 20 points it's just something that works for me. I'm not thinking about points a lot, just when create a ticket, I assign some points of how hard is that to me and then pick up everything I want to the epic. The biggest problem is to keep tickets as little as possible 😄 Sometimes it's hard to split something up and if ticket takes more than one evening, it's hard to be motivated to do same thing again.
Jump on too many things
BeforeSunset AI
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Sometimes, I couldn't prioritize my to-do list and I'm overwhelming with confusing task lists and I can't say no to the new tasks, even it's not on my to-do list that day. Couldn't say no to the sudden tasks and not prioritizing my tasks according to my schedule would be the top of my "stop doing" list. lol
Comparing myself to others
@sophia_watt Yessss.... why is this so damn hard?!
@jules_pratt Any tips?!
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