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  • What types of ChatGPT prompt that really helped you?

    Chel Chen
    7 replies


    Akhil Mittra
    Summarizing video transcripts & asking for key points, asking for simplified explanations of previously unknown topics, generating program and code, and making corrections to the same code based on the error logs
    Chel Chen
    @akm626 in which scenario will you use video transcripts & asking for key points?
    David Cagigas
    Detailed prompts for product outreach content generations have really helped us.
    Joseph Petty
    It's great for writing JavaScript! I used it to create a mock data generator using faker.js. I had it write config files that represent ~10 different tables from a standard CRM, then write a function that takes a config file and returns X number of rows based on the configs. Then I built a JS function generator, where you tell it what libraries to use, and what inputs and outputs the function should have, and it returns the JS function, along with a sample input and output. I've also made some fun SVG generators. One generates a snowflake pattern based on a bunch of input variables, and one generates an SVG button with dynamic text/color, and onclick callback. So I can programmatically generate button elements based on input data.
    Anastasiia Protsykevych
    Information search, rewriting and mistakes correction. For example, I have created a blog article with the help of ChatGPT in just half an hour. This is 100% ChatGPT’s point of view on software development outsourcing trends. You can read this article via the link: https://jetsoftpro.com/blog/why-....