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  • What transformations are you planning for the year ahead?

    Umar Saleem
    113 replies
    I'm doubling down on my 2023 resolution to hit the gym! 😂😂 What about you? have you sketched out any changes you aim for in the coming year?


    I want to combat procrastination and be energetic throughout the day.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @seosayyed Taking on procrastination is a great step! Wishing you boundless energy and a productive day ahead!
    Elevate my fitness routine, and feel the burn!
    Ali Gordon
    @amber_gardener I'd recommend getting a Personal Trainer or accountability partner if you haven't already got one!
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @amber_gardener That's fantastic! Pushing your fitness boundaries will bring incredible results.
    Andrew Howe
    In the upcoming year, I'm dedicated to enhancing my communication skills. I aim to engage in more meaningful conversations, express myself confidently, and listen attentively. It's about fostering better connections through effective communication.
    Ali Gordon
    @andrewhowe I like this one. Personally, I want to get better at remembering people's names after I've met them. Dale Carnegie said that "a person's name is the sweetest sound in any language", remembering a name and using it quickly is a great way to endear yourself to someone and make an impression. If anyone is working on a product in this space let me know!
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @andrewhowe That's an impressive commitment!
    Cultivate a mindset of gratitude.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @rabea_majeed That's wonderful!
    Launching soon!
    No GYM or Fitness :)
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @m_anees What inspired the shift away from gym or fitness goals?
    Launching soon!
    @umar_saleem These days work stress is too much and there is no time for myself. Waiting for the summer season then I will start my morning walk.
    Michael Cyger
    @m_anees 🤣
    Roland Marlow
    Not really a New Year's Resolution, more of a recent goal but to maintain a better routine and stay more consistent.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @rmarlow That's a fantastic goal! Consistency is critical, regardless of when it starts. Wishing you the best in sticking to your routine and achieving your desired results!
    Ali Gordon
    Good luck to you @rmarlow it's a goal well worth pursuing!
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @rmarlow Notified As Well!
    Marco Moauro
    devote more to my personal projects, like everyone I would like to make some money, I notice that there are many people who passed the 9-18 work are happy, I far from it, I am turning this thought into an energy to give much more :)
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @marco_moauro1 That's inspiring! Channeling your energy into personal projects can lead to fulfilling experiences.
    A part of my New Year Resolution for 2024 is to find the right work life balance with my product and my friends & family.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @mahajan What steps or strategies do you plan to implement to achieve this balance? Sharing insights might inspire others looking to harmonize their professional and personal lives!
    @umar_saleem For starters, I'm trying to reduce my working hours over the weekend and spend more time with family & friends. Other than that, I have picked up a lost hobby and trying to reintroduce it to my life :)
    Andrew Philip
    In 2024, I'm dedicated to financial stability. My resolution involves diligent budgeting, reducing unnecessary expenses, and investing wisely for future security. It's about making informed financial decisions and securing a stable foundation for the future.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @andrewphilip That's a fantastic goal!
    Angelina Shaw
    This year, I am focused on healthier habits, mainly hitting the gym regularly! What's your health priority?
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @angelina_shaw That's great to hear! Consistent gym sessions can boost overall health. I prioritize a balanced diet and daily walks to keep myself active and energized!
    Master time management and be efficient.
    Grace Bates
    pcWRT Secure WiFi Router
    pcWRT Secure WiFi Router
    2024 means more intense workouts at the gym for me! What about your fitness aspirations?
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @gracebates That's fantastic! Intense workouts can bring great results. I'm aiming to incorporate more outdoor activities like hiking and cycling to keep my fitness routine diverse and exciting
    Rebaika James
    Invest in mental and physical well-being.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @rebaika_james That's a wonderful priority!
    Rose Linda
    Learn an instrument, find harmony.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @rose_linda Learning an instrument is an amazing goal! Music brings such joy.
    Sophia Watt
    Conquer fears and embrace challenges.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @sophia_watt Embracing challenges is a bold move!
    Steve Joe
    Build stronger connections and cherish friends.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @steve_joe Building stronger connections is wonderful! Remember, it's the bonds we nurture that bring joy
    udhay yadav
    Gym sessions are my resolution! How about your plans for a healthier year?
    Victor Crum
    2024 means a dedicated focus on exercise routines! Do you have any fitness goals for you?
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @victor_crum A dedicated focus on exercise routines is fantastic! Personally, I'm striving for a balanced mix of cardio and strength training.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @zackary_mendez A shift towards collaboration and empathy is admirable!
    Planning to turn ideas into reality and make this year the launchpad for my successful venture.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    @priyankamandal That's fantastic! Turning ideas into reality takes determination. Wishing you the best as you embark on this exciting journey! What steps are you taking to launch your venture?