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  • What to look at when choosing an ideal Business Rule Management System?

    Vlad Tishkin
    0 replies
    Business rules management systems (BRMS) are commonly used for developing, storing, editing, and executing business rules. Adopting a business rules management tool can help you address the issues arising with regard to the decision-making processes. These solutions empower business employees without a technical background to create business logic for efficient decision processes while eliminating the need for expensive and time-consuming IT development efforts. I'd like to share with you some tips on choosing a good BRMS for your startup. 1. Integration capabilities First off, make sure the solution you’re considering to use integrates well with all the apps and data types that will be used to execute the business rules. Check all the APIs and standards available. Make sure that the BRMS supports all technologies used within your organization. 2. Scalability To avoid running into serious problems as your business grows, business rules management tool should be able to scale quickly. So make sure that the BRMS is still able to provide a simple way to manage the increasingly complex business rules. 3. Testing environment Check that BRSM has a simulation or test environment feature. This feature will give you the opportunity to test new or changed business rules before deploying them company-wide. So it allows users to instantly view the results of the changes made, which can significantly boost the development process and help avoid many mistakes. 4. User-friendly interface A truly accessible BRMS can provide equally good UX to both business and IT users since no special background knowledge or technical skills are required. 5. Identifying incomplete or conflicting rules The solution for managing business rules should also provide reliable tools for validating business rules created by users, otherwise, it can quickly become a mess. A BRMS should be able to log the history of changes made to business rules to ensure that the full business logic for any decision is available. I hope you find this helpful. Here's more useful content on this subject: https://medium.com/optimajethq/choosing-a-business-rules-management-tool-six-practical-tips-73da5083269e https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/dk/Documents/Grabngo/Business%20rules%20management_030221.pdf
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