What time in your time zone does the Product Hunt launch day start?
Kacy Boone ❇️
5 replies
I live in the Pacific Coast time zone (and some does most my team). I’m thinking a lot about how we should staff those early morning hours. What’s it like for you?
Anne de Joly@annedevj
👋 I'm in Portugal at the moment so PH launch is at 8am, very convenient actually 😄
@kacy_boone1 was great to answer comments and follow the launch during the day, and I still got some upvotes and new comments when I woke up the next day ☺️ can't complain!
For me on the east coast, the Product Hunt launch day starts at midnight. I imagine it must be rough having to stay up late if you're on Pacific time! Maybe have the night owls on your team cover those early hours and the early birds can take over once they wake up. 😅 I'm sure lots of ☕ will be needed either way!
@hugodominiccarmichael The latest documentation on PH is that the launches start at 12:01am PT not ET. Did that change?https://www.producthunt.com/ques...