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  • What skill or talent are you really good at, but haven't found a way to monetize sustainably yet?

    Harshil Patel
    16 replies
    I am really good at Workshop Facilitation and I run workshops every now and then. But to be able to transform that into an additional revenue stream, I think I need more knowledge. How about you? Is there a way for us to collect such stories and inspiration in here 🤔


    Hazel Mathew
    I am good at designing interactive experiences, but I haven’t yet nailed down a sustainable business model for it. Interested in hearing your ideas!
    Harshil Patel
    @hazel_mathew When you say interactive experiences, you talking digital products design or your spectrum is more broad?
    Kavya Tripathi
    Rotoscoping :’(
    Harshil Patel
    @kavyaaatripathi I just looked it up. Interesting stuff. What's stopping you?
    Kavya Tripathi
    @harshil_patel03 So basically I trace or as we say rotoscope over the videos i shoot or gather out from any platform and I am not sure if that is actual actual animation or not.
    Larry Kim
    I’m really good at organizing and planning events, but I haven’t figured out how to turn that into a steady income. Any ideas?
    lily gordy
    I’m great at graphic design, but I haven’t managed to monetize it consistently.
    Andrew Schmidt
    I’ve got a knack for writing engaging content, but I’m still looking for a way to make it a sustainable source of income.
    Harshil Patel
    @andrew_schmidt_ I am developing love for writing and I am getting obsessed about it. Soon I would want to find ways to monetise it.
    Lazar J
    I am skilled at writing and storytelling, but I haven’t found a solid way to turn that into a steady income stream. How about you?
    Harshil Patel
    @lazar_j1 I am into Workshop Design and Facilitation (Product Design & Strategy) but haven't been able to figure out a way to package and distribute it.. 🫤
    Daniel Taylor
    Animation! My 2D animation skills are top notch but monetizing them has been a struggle. Maybe it's time to pivot to making animated explainer videos for startups? 🤔💰
    Harshil Patel
    @danieltaylorr Would be a great niche mate 🤑 Trust me. I was active on Upwork for sometime and I saw a lot of these pop in my feed. It's a growing space for animators.