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  • What's the story behind your company logo?

    AR Bell
    33 replies


    No real thought process. I just liked the simplicity.
    Karthik Tatikonda
    Nothing. Our company name is LaunchPedia. And our logo is "LP". The reason behind this simple logo is that we don't want to waste our time on designing a logo.
    Adarsh Kumar
    So sad to say. No Story.
    Giles Crouch
    Ah, love these! We used the lower case "n" as it's a data reference as is the "*" we use beside the n which is a statistical method for NordSpark, yet we go beyond data using anthropology to inform our work on making digital products more human, so a lot of play at work.
    The company is named buska, derived from portuguese verb buscar = search. it's an online mention monitoring tool, hence the "search reference". Instead of looking for a fancy design, we chose to keep it simple and unorthodox. We decided to use the S from buska, which cuts the word in half and S for search. πŸ˜…
    Boudewijn Bos
    Fry is Swedish for safe and secure and that is what customers should feel when they store their physical valuable products with us - and to give it a little more personality we turned it into Fryda!
    Vincent Greco
    Multi Find: Search, Highlight, Explore
    Multi Find: Search, Highlight, Explore
    As Multi Find is an extension to search multiple words on a webpage, I wanted a logo with several magnifying glasses. Having 3 of them seems a minimum to symbolize "multiple". And I interlaced them as Borromean rings (just because I like this). The colors were chosen from the highlight colors I am using (keeping the most distinguishable ones, because the logo has to be recognizable even if very small: yellow or green magnifying glasses for example cannot be seen if drawn very small).
    Cameron Scully
    Found an Archive emoji on Canva and used it
    Cameron Scully
    @slimmy82 No problem, i hope my story inspired you
    Two web developers making products and tutorials to help people overcome their pain points, like capsules for illnesses. You can find the logo on https://capsules.codes
    Zeinab Saghafi
    The logo of our company represents, on one hand, a crystal ball symbolizing foresight, and on the other hand, an eye that carefully observes everything! Its meaning can convey that at Altern , we strive to stay ahead of time by introducing all AI tools and foreseeing the future.
    Jacob Choi
    Sure! Our company name is Linq. :) The q is designed to look like a magnifying glass - helping you search for knowledge and ultimately generate data from the retrieved results whenever you need it!
    Vincent Greco
    Multi Find: Search, Highlight, Explore
    Multi Find: Search, Highlight, Explore
    @jacob_boston I like the animation. I tried to make one too but with no movement, just elements appearing (with some basic sound effects):
    I am curious: I understood the q shape, but why the blue point?
    Um i try to mean the product itself as much as possible within the logo 🀟
    I want something that resonates with my values and mission.
    Whelm.me (not over, not under) is all about finding happiness. We provide training and resources grounded in psychology and physiology to help people deal with burnout, anxiety, depression and dissatisfaction. Our approach is based on dialectical behavior therapy, which emphasizes effectiveness in all aspects of life by developing balance and bringing our emotional and reasonable minds into every decision. Some would call this the middle path, which is why there is a wayfinding dot on our logo in the middle of the W. Behind the logo are three overlapping circles, which is another reference to the 'wise-mind'.
    We are design driven, so wanted a bold design for our logo radial to represent symmetry and balance Something abstract yet playful!
    Lu Lu
    My company named Mirror World. Because it starts with Mirror, we trying to convey the idea of mirroring. And chaptal "M" and "W" are mirroring. We just combine these together. BTW, our product is going to launch on next week! Anyone interest can notify and take a view at that time.
    @lu_lu17 I love it! add me as a friend on here so I can support your launch!
    Winston Zin
    Impakt is a english mispelling (or Luxembourgish spelling) of impact. Because the K is different between the languages, we've turned the K into a posing human body which could be seen as: stretching, yoga, dabbing, etc. Impakt.com is a social app for bodyweight fitness.
    @winstonzin I like this a lot. Did you come up with this on the first try or was this a revamped name? Its really good!
    Winston Zin
    @ar_bell Took a loooooooong time to get this one. =)
    Shana Wat
    Hii from Hii, our company always says hii and receives resonance from people for quality web and graphic designs. So our logo is naturally curved hii: shown on our website: www.hii.design
    Shana Wat
    @ar_bell Did you find our logo? It’s hidden on our chat box on the webpage.