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  • What’s the first thing you do at the start of your workday?

    9 replies


    Brandon Lee Mitchell
    Usually start by scanning my inbox to flag any urgent emails that came in overnight. Then I review my task list and calendar to prioritize and plan out my day. A big cup of coffee helps me get going too! ☕💪
    Samson Idegwu
    I usually start my day by reviewing my to-do list to get a sense of what needs my attention first.
    @samson_idegwu Thanks for sharing! Reviewing your to-do list is a great way to get a clear picture of your daily priorities. It’s a solid strategy to stay focused!
    Jessica Flower
    I like to begin my workday by setting clear priorities for the day. It helps me stay focused and organized.
    @jessica_flower Thanks for sharing, Jessica! Starting your day by setting clear priorities is a great way to stay focused and organized. It’s a practice that can really set the tone for a productive day!
    Lesile Hensley
    For me,, it’s all about checking emails and messages to see if there’s anything urgent that I need to address right away.
    @lesile_hensley Thanks for sharing, Lesile! Checking emails and messages first thing is a smart move to ensure you’re on top of anything urgent. It’s a great way to start the day prepared!
    I typically start my workday by checking my calendar and emails to get an overview of any urgent tasks or meetings. It helps me plan my day more effectively.
    Olivia Jane Miller
    I usually start by checking my email and Slack to see if there are any urgent items that need immediate attention. Then I review my task list and pick 1-2 important things to focus on first. I find that tackling the crucial to-dos early in the day when I'm freshest allows me to make good progress. The rest of the day I can handle smaller tasks that come up.