What's one thing you can't be productive without?

Gizem Nur Keskin
27 replies
For me, it's my headphones.


André J
Sleep. Lots of it.
Gizem Nur Keskin
@eonpilot 😂 Definitely!
Laurentiu Cotet
Daily Scrum Meetings - Notion Template
Daily Scrum Meetings - Notion Template
Apple Notes!! (yes the original one
Gizem Nur Keskin
@hanna_z It is a classic!
Grace Hur
Allll the drinks on my desk 😅 Water for hydration, coffee for caffeine, apfelschorle for fun 🌟
Gizem Nur Keskin
@gracehur 😅 You can never have enough drinks while working 👯‍♂️
Hugo DEVEZE 🏴‍☠️
My headset which also has an ambient noise reduction feature It makes all the difference! What about you @gizemnurkeskin ?
Gizem Nur Keskin
@devezehugo I love listening to music while I work!
Nuno Reis
Music! I go from classic, to punk rock, to metal, to pop, all depending on the work and kind of focus I need. But usually music is a must if I'm out of meetings :)
Gizem Nur Keskin
@nuno_ms_reis Definitely! Music is a must!
Sophia Büttgen
People around me, actually! I thrive the most in environments where a lot of (preferably like-minded and ambitious) people are around me, like in co-working spaces, offices or Uni libraries, because there is just a sense of productivity in the room and also the small chats help me destress from my work. :)
Florian Myter
@sophia_buttgen yes! Came here looking for someone that would answer this :)
Gizem Nur Keskin
@sophia_buttgen I have never thought of it like that but I agree! I work from home but I find myself going out to shared working areas to actually get some work done! Well said, Sophia, thank you!
Valorie Jones
Conversa - Videos That Talk back
Conversa - Videos That Talk back
Slack. It might not be a true "searchable log of all communication and knowledge", but is essential for me to stay up to date with the team.
Anees Iqbal
I'd say checklists. It's much easier for me personally to define what I need to do (the definitions can be vague but need to be set) and then act on it. If the checklist items are not defined then the chances of getting distracted after completing one task are very high.
Gizem Nur Keskin
@anees_iqbal Do you prefer pen and paper or is there a tool you use for that?
Anees Iqbal
@gizemnurkeskin I'm on macOS so I use an application called Things 3. Your mileage may vary if you're on another platform.
Brandon Scott
Music is the best productivity tool for me!
Pintu Das
Its art, colors and sketches for me.
Florian Myter
Being surrounded by other product people!
Jordan Kunawicz
Music 100%. Either lofi or 90s hip hop for me.