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  • What's an unexpected benefit you discovered after starting a business (e.g. a SaaS product)?

    Trey Winterbourne
    3 replies


    I haven't done a SaaS product but I have a core framework product for building custom, compelx franchise management system spanning multinational tax, financial, and geographic requirements. This internal framework has been used to create an internal version that supports mid-size enterprises. Established in 2002, it is matured now and operates with least involvement from me and completely operated by a group of trusted FTEs (mostly software engineers, devops, QA) who operate it from multiple states since pandemic. This freed me up to explore B2C. So the unusuall benefit I discovered about a decade ago is that designing something with a well thought out foundational architecture lasts very long even when many front-end and backend tech changes. And the best thing about all that is it freed me up to explore B2C experiments that I am doing in the last two years or so.
    Trey Winterbourne
    That's incredible @shownotes! I've never really thought about the core architecture much before, now realizing that it really is a core, important, foundation. Thanks for the insights! Congrats on the amazing achievements with your B2B company, I wish you all the best for your B2C products - thought with your experience it seems like you don't need much luck as you have shown to have great skill 😂 Keep it up man, thanks again for sharing your experience :)
    Gurkaran Singh
    Oh, an unexpected benefit I found after launching my SaaS product was seeing firsthand how customers turned into a community! It's like watching a flock of birds adapt to new surroundings - fascinating and heartwarming all at once. Who knew coding could be so social?