What makes you try out a new product on Product Hunt?
Madeleine Nichols
11 replies
Curious to know what drives members of the community here to try out new products?
And how many have you adopted into your tech stack?
Catherine Norris@catherine_norris
If it seems like it will actually save me time, and it's got a very simple onboarding and no CC required 😊
I'm trying to simplify my digital workspace.
So always on the search for alternatives that can cover multiple functions that I'm already using.
I've realized that I have accumulated too many products for various purposes,
and I'm seeking ways to streamline and declutter them. Digital minimalism 🙌
@jack_jung feel you with the lots of tools! Have you looked at any of the options that unite multiple tools to give you one central hub?
I'm always on the hunt for the next big thing! Plus, reading product descriptions is like shopping without spending money. I've adopted a few products, mostly ones that help me procrastinate more efficiently 😀
@realvladgolub I like how 'procrastinate more efficiently' makes a lot of sense and doesn't sound bad!
@everest_ng exactly!!! 😂😂😂😂
@everest_ng @realvladgolub productive procrastination 🙌
Baseless - AI-Powered No Code Builders
I'm always looking at interesting tools and reverse engineering the thought process behind making these products and promoting them.
@sho_hunts great way to learn!