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  • What makes good content great?

    Nick Hladush
    20 replies
    How do you guys create great content? What KPIs do you use to make sure it is so?


    F Zarus
    A great content is content that will get more read, more shares and talked about often. However a good content keeps lying down there.
    F Zarus
    @nick_newoldstamp righty said and thanks for your reply. Just to add a little more, "Great" is basically a task accomplished, more eyes on it and moving forward and when you look back, there stays "Good" way back :)
    Nick Hladush
    @atc093 yeah, you can't say anything is great if no one knows about it :)
    Ostap Yaroshevych
    Great Content Is Original!!! So, to make it: - Never copy text from somewhere else. Avoid plagiarism by citing research and using your own words to describe the concept. - Always use multiple sources when researching. - Give your text a unique structure. - Use your own unique style. - Use your own reasoning.
    Nick Hladush
    @ostap_yaroshevych I like the unique style bit. That's surely one of the most important things. Thank you!
    Urvi Patel
    Truth! Simplicity! Functionality! Comfort!
    Nick Hladush
    @urvi_patel312 Short and smart, I like it :)
    Arslan Khalid
    Good content => Shares same insights that have already been shared in different words. Great content => Shares insights connected with your own knowledge and intuition. Great content does not copy perspective. It has its own perspective because you added your spice in it.
    Nick Hladush
    @thearslankhalid amen to that! You're 100% right
    Isabel Nyo
    Second Brain for Engineering Managers
    Second Brain for Engineering Managers
    Good content is insightful. Great content is personal, insightful, enjoyable and relatable.
    Nick Hladush
    @eisabai couldn't agree more, thanks
    - In-depth - Easier to skim - Actionable - Properly formatted - Answer user questions - Keyword optimized - Backed by your research (not someone else's) - Blog fonts are good as well
    Nick Hladush
    @falak_sher Actionable - that's what I like the most. It's always nice when you can go and do something with the stuff you've just learned
    Relevancy factor. Always
    Nick Hladush
    @akash_ambade1 Yeah! Thanks a lot
    John Delavera
    Write like talking to a good friend, use bullets for benefits, target the heart of the readers.
    Nick Hladush
    @john_delavera Yeah, that's all true. Thanks
    Md. Ekram Hossan
    Keeping interesting things
    Nick Hladush
    @badshahekram thanks, you're right