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  • What lead gen channel worked best for you at the beginning?

    Jacopo Proietti
    9 replies
    SEO -> Free and well-targeted but takes time to bring results Emailing -> Effective if done well, but time-consuming and ROI negative if you are not selling Enterprise Ads -> Effective if well tailored on converting keywords, but expensive Communities -> Ideal to engage early with your ICPs


    Panagiota Gkotsi
    SEO for long-term and until it starts paying off, email and communities/PR. If you have the budget ads work too.
    Panagiota Gkotsi
    @artyom_ananov Yes depending on the market and objective of the campaign, affiliate marketing can be very helpful.
    Jacopo Proietti
    @panagiota_gkotsi Thanks a lot! In terms of Paid Ads though, is there a right moment to start doing them in your opinion? At the very beginning it can be a very expensive investment, especially if not done right.
    Panagiota Gkotsi
    @jacopo_proietti no right moment in my opinion but depends a lot on the product too. If you have the budget it's a good effort to test your product and gain some quick traffic. But focus on creating content and following SEO best practices as that will provide better and longterm results
    Artyom Ananov | Smart Solutions AI
    @panagiota_gkotsi Do you have any experiece running affiliate campaigns for SaaS? We are going to exapand our marketing team soon and may need specialists with expertise. Let's connect
    Relja Denic
    Launching soon!
    Linkedin outreach. I mean it's what our tool does so it would not be good if we colund't get customers through that channel :D
    Jacopo Proietti
    @relja_denic True. I have personally experienced way better conversions through LinkedIn outreach than by cold email. Thanks Rejia for the reply and will definitely check out skylead!