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  • What kind of product story do you think will move you?

    4 replies


    As a Notion creator, a product story that would move me would likely involve a narrative that highlights the transformative power of organization and productivity.
    Julia Engelsmann
    I would always try to incorporate something emotional and appeal to the feelings of potential customers. Maybe an experience that everyone might have had before
    A product story that is educational or inspirational. It always catches attention if it speaks directly to the target audience
    A personal need for a product or service is a great origin story that I resonate with the most. Example: Linus Torvalds created Linux for himself and didn't care if anyone else used it. And we know the rest of the story. ShowNotes.app, which is set to launch on PH soon, is a product born out of my dissatisfaction with existing note-taking and note-sharing tools. It's not just another tool, but a unique solution that addresses the shortcomings I've encountered: sharing, analytics, download requirements, and AI-first designs where AI does it for your type of deals. I created it and have used it with my team, friends, and family since January 2024. I made it perfect for myself first. I won't wait for perfection, as that kills everything, but every use I make with it leads me to improve it, and I think it's ready for others to try for free. I might wait 3-6 months for paid customers before enabling paid versions. Making something you love and use can be a great origin story for a product.