What is your secret productivity hack? Mine's shockproof

Kausambi Manjita
25 replies
🚶‍♂️ I need my 5/miles a day 🧘 Meditation on Headspace, 10 mins before sleep ☕ Vanilla Nespresso with a shot of oatmilk & pump of hazelnut cream every morning Yes, I'm all about self-care!


André J
Vanilla infused espresso! that's the ultimate life hack! for people who have not tried this. Your missing out!
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
Sachin Jain
One thing that worked for me is a dedicated focus session during office hours. In fact, now my entire team follows this. The aim is to get the most important task of the day to be done during this session. It helps each individual go into the flow state and achieve productivity better than ever.
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@sachinjain024 Fab idea.. is it a branstorm kind of sesh or individual goals?
Sachin Jain
@kmanjita So each of us starts with a goal for the focus session and shares the progress at the end of the session.
Abhinay kumar
Quick 5 minute meditation after waking up, maintaining a to-do list and completing 8k steps each day.
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@abhinay_kumar8 sounds familiar!! 👌
Sourav Mohanty
A 4km evening work and a soothing spotify playlist before my night sleep!
Igor Lysenko
I advise you to try IXORD Notes, artificial intelligence lists
Anna Kasumova
1) Discipline 2) Cocoa on coconut milk 3) Work blocks 1-2 hours, for focus and only than i can attract
Ecommerce Field Guide by Mason
To-do lists! Love me some lists. Feels so good to check them off at the end of the day. And of course, music and freshly brewed coffee to be done with that list ;)
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@pawas_verma Music! That's one I think i shd but never end up doing!
Harsh Kumar
Routine of daily exercise, meditation, and enjoying a personalized morning coffee that helps to make me great balance between physical activity, mental well-being, and indulgence.
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@harsh_kumar38 sounds very balanced
Adam Gold
Fruit shake every morning. I wish it would have lasted more than 30 seconds.
Adam Gold
@kmanjita I don't have enough patience! It's too tasty...
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@adamgold7 You can make it one sip every 30 seconds :)
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@adamgold7 haha fair enough :D Maybe then an extra splash of kale will help hehe
"Night-Before To-Do List" trick. Yep, it's like a magical brain dump. The night before, I jot down everything – the big, the small, and the "Oh-I-can't-forget-this" things. It's like decluttering my mind onto paper. Then, when the sun rises and I dive into the day, I already know where to start. ✏️ What do you think?
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@akanksha_hunts I need to add this to my bucket list
Ashish Sangle
My approach involves grouping all meetings together and carving out a few dedicated blocks of 2-3 hours for focused work, during which I avoid any distractions from tools like Slack or emails.