What is your day streak on PH?
Michael Sieb
145 replies
Who is on Product Hunt at least once a day?
My counter is at:
Sven Radavics
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
7 days :-)
@sven_radavics nice! Keep it up :)
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
@michael_sieb you bet!
@michael_sieb Thx, I usually check the Tech topic, almost never visit PH homepage 😅
My streak is 94 days, BTW :)
15 days = )
@ostap_yaroshevych sweet :)
198 :)
@yucelfaruksahan wow heavy user! ;)
At least 3-4 times everyday! :)
@ashrahman haha same here!
46, but affraid of loosing it every day 👻
315 days streak 🔥 I love PH and use daily 😍
@ankitsharmaofficial the feature does not exist 315 days. Or do they also tracked into the past?
@michael_sieb It DOES bro check here- https://prnt.sc/MaRAHCcR2aQ7
@ankitsharmaofficial wow! Congrats by far the leader here haha
@michael_sieb yeh thanks 😊
I have lost my 100 day streak ):
@angeli_ @michael_sieb I would also recommend that PH can gamefi day streak, it would be more interesting!
@michael_sieb 2 days, Michael, 2... days...
8 days for now!
@harshactually that's a good start ;)
I am on the 26-day streak.
@rahul_nair93 nice!
I am a newbie here, so mine is 8 :)
Still just at 4 :( 43 is amazing!
Almost everyday! PH should add like a "Longest Streak you've had" to the individual profiles - think I had 20+ days at one point then I went on leave 🥲
@adilhalim good point!
@rajanwalia4 that is a start!
73, I always manage to lose it on a long weekend --
@berthakgokong 73 is a lot! Don't let it break haha
Day 9 :D
@socialbhat Not bad! It's a streak
It was quite high, but got sick and had to rest for 3 days, so I lost it!😅
@martina_hackbartt sorry to hear that! Hope you are good again!
For now, I have only been 8 days, it is little, but it is becoming an addiction 🙈
@karen_sanchez21 I feel you! 😅
zero days! Or I guess one day now?