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  • What is your biggest fear?

    Grant Call
    18 replies


    Madison Gallaghers
    Rejection. A sting that echoes in silence.
    Michael Gammon
    Bears. We're launching today Grant any support would be welcome and ease my fear of failure (yes, I have that as well!) 🚀 😀 🧸
    Macauley Quinn
    Public speaking. The dread of exposing vulnerabilities to judgment, every word scrutinized under the spotlight of an audience's gaze.
    Ali Raza
    Mediocrity. A fear of blending into life's monotony, unnoticed and forgotten.
    Sirina D
    The unknown. Fear of what lies beyond the horizon, where the familiar fades into uncertainty, and every step is a gamble.
    Joseph D Garner
    Medicine needles. A phobia that turns every injection into an ordeal.
    Whitney M
    Unrequited love. The fear of pouring your soul into someone's heart, only to find your emotions met with the chilling silence of indifference or rejection.
    mike hasil
    Losing creativity. The terror of an artistic soul withering, imagination fading, and the colors of passion turning into a grayscale canvas of mundanity.
    Being forgotten. The fear that the stories we weave will unravel, our laughter will fade, and our existence will be but a fleeting chapter in the vast tome of time.