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  • What is the pain point when you trying to make a journaling habit?

    Fathan Margono
    7 replies
    Me: I don't know what i have to write / type


    I think there are several pain points that people may experience when trying to establish a journaling habit: Time: Many people struggle to find the time to journal, especially if they have a busy schedule or multiple responsibilities. Discipline: It can be difficult to maintain consistency and discipline in journaling, especially if it is not yet a habit. Difficulty getting started: Some people may have difficulty getting started with journaling, as they may not know what to write about or may feel self-conscious about their writing. Overcoming writer's block: Some people may experience writer's block when journaling, which can make it difficult to come up with ideas or to write coherently. Self-doubt: Some individuals might feel they are not good at writing or they don't have any interesting things to write, this feeling can prevent them from starting the journaling habit. There are solutions to these pain points and it depends on each person's situation, some people may find that setting aside specific time to journal each day, or having a prompt or topic to write about can help, others may find that writing in a different format, such as a digital journal, may be more appealing. I think this will help you a lot. If you have any questions plz don't hesitate to ask!
    Fathan Margono
    @moon10 This is very helpful! I already made a preview about this pain point (mostly my pain point are the same as you said earlier) and because you said so, so my pain point is verified by others too! Thanks a lot for your help!
    @fathan_margono I'm glad you found my explanation helpful and detailed! Is there anything else you would like to know or a specific topic don't hesitate to ask.
    Fathan Margono
    @moon10 the explanation is so detailed! Sweet!
    @fathan_margono You are welcome!
    Mansoor Muhammad
    For me its storing and keeping track of a physical journal. Mobile apps won't cut it.
    Fathan Margono
    @mansoor_muhammad ahh I see, some preference right? Thanks for reply!