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  • What is the most common Startup mistake?

    Ankur Sharma
    8 replies


    Uma Venugopal
    Being in love with your solution more than the customer problem.
    no marketing at all
    Jaden Hong
    Maybe all of them? 😂
    Kia Kamgar
    Shipping with bugs.
    Elena Tsemirava
    I would say that this is not a serious attitude to marketing. That is, the product is made for the sake of the product, and not for the client.
    They focus on: Product: 70 Marketing: 20 Sales:10 Customer Success: 0
    Daniel Zaitzow
    Not focusing on Churn and customer retention above all else.
    I think ignoring customer feedback is the common situation that start-ups may encounter in the 0-1 phase. User feedback is the most important thing, but some founders focus too much on the financial part.