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  • What is the future of technology and how will it impact society?

    Vishal Patel
    5 replies


    Deep K
    The future of technology is likely to bring significant changes, such as automation, interconnectivity, and new ways of interaction. This will have an impact on many areas of life, potentially replacing jobs and creating new opportunities.
    Krishna Kumar
    “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C Clarke
    Uday Patel
    Its hard to say wait for 6 months more to get a better picture
    - I believe we will have personalized AI assistants helping us all with at least 50% of things we do by ourselves today. - The world will be more comfortable and trusting of digital assets/ownership, and many more jobs will exist where people build for and work within the digital and virtual world. - More voting will likely happen using blockchain technology. - We will all be more inclined to seek out decentralized technologies where we can own our own data, transact without a 3rd party, and vote on proposed changes. - We will likely still be self-driving cars, haha
    Deep K
    @batteystreetventures Your first point reminds me of Ironman's Jarvis(AI assistant) in marvel series😅