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  • What factors contribute to a product's success on PH?

    Brad Prey
    27 replies


    Jacob Henry
    Excellent customer service and support. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Charles White
    I think a strong understanding of the target audience and their needs.
    Brad Prey
    @charles_white6 That's a great point! Understanding your target audience is definitely a key factor in product success on PH. By knowing their pain points, desires, and preferences, you can create a product that truly resonates with them. โ˜บ
    Charlie decouze
    A strong community ๐Ÿฅฐ
    Brad Prey
    @charlie_decouze That's a great point! A strong community can definitely be a major factor in a product's success on Product Hunt. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Isah Abubakar
    @charlie_decouze Indeed I also agree with this point if you have great community then you chances are likely high to secure within top 3 spots of the day.
    Darren Bardsley
    For me a unique and compelling value proposition.
    Brad Prey
    @darren_bardsley I completely agree that a unique and compelling value proposition is crucial. I'd also add that a strong community and active engagement are key factors for success on PH. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    Success on Product Hunt comes down to timing, community support, and a polished presentation. Engaging your network, building hype before launch, and actively participating on launch day are all key. Howโ€™s your strategy shaping up?
    Brad Prey
    @hamza_afzal_butt That's a great breakdown of the key factors for Product Hunt success. Thank you for sharing your insights. I've been focusing on building a strong community.Are there any other specific tactics or tips you'd recommend for maximizing our chances of success on Product Hunt? ๐Ÿฅฐ
    Benson Gao
    Get to know the user deeply; don't just focus on the product's surface
    Brad Prey
    @bensongao That's a great point! Understanding the user deeply is crucial for product success on Product Hunt. โค
    devide wannar
    High-quality design and user experience are key factors.
    Brad Prey
    @devide_wannar "That's absolutely spot on! A well-designed product with a seamless user experience is crucial for success on Product Hunt. ๐Ÿคฉ
    elzabith co
    Effective marketing and promotion strategies. ๐Ÿ˜
    Brad Prey
    @elzabith_co What specific strategies do you find most effective?
    Lenny Jean
    Audience, community, timimg
    thina samin
    Continuous innovation and improvement is very important.
    Brad Prey
    @thina_samin That's absolutely right! Continuous innovation and improvement are crucial for a product's success on Product Hunt. It's a platform that thrives on new, exciting, and groundbreaking ideas. ๐Ÿ’–
    Peter Henry
    Proper planning, communication and timing
    Melvin Pitts
    For me it's target audience and strong community
    Karthik Tatikonda
    These are the key factors for me: - Building an audience before the launch - Being a part of the community - Creating a good product page (Images, tagline, description, and maker comment) - Committing your 24h to the launch on the launch day - Giving replies to all the comments - Sharing timely launch updates on social media
    Rahul Parmar
    Key factors include market demand, effective marketing strategies, customer feedback, and competitive pricing!
    Irene Banks
    Tbh, it feels like hype plays a massive role. If youโ€™ve got a few influencers backing your product, youโ€™re almost guaranteed visibility. Sad but true?
    Kartika Nurtasya
    The uniqueness of the app, user experience, and the improvement