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  • What do you not like about Notion?

    Swarna Hebbar
    10 replies
    Anything that doesn't work for you?


    Christopher Clark
    A Bridge is Needed! The lack of true offline functionality is a major pain point. Even basic offline access for note-taking or editing existing content would be a game-changer, especially for those who work in unreliable internet environments.
    Grayson Carter
    Permissions Could Be Clearer! Collaboration is great, but managing permissions can get confusing. Granular control over access levels and editing rights would be helpful for teams working on sensitive projects within Notion.
    Anthony Wright
    Notion boasts a lot of features, but sometimes it feels overwhelming. The ability to customize workspaces and dashboards is great, but perhaps a "focus mode" that hides non-essential features could improve usability for those who just need a clean note-taking or to-do list app.
    Mason Julian
    Give Mobile Apps Some Love! Notion is fantastic on desktop, but the mobile app feels like a secondary citizen. Simpler task management or note-taking features would make the mobile experience smoother, especially for on-the-go users.
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    Too limited without paying ...
    Their AI is too easy to trigger. A simple miss-click and the AI is writing in my document
    We are always looking for feedback from our users to improve Notion and make it even better for everyone. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! We are building a marketing AI called Contentify AI. It's free and easy to setup. Check out the "Launching soon"
    Abhra Ch.
    @swarna_hebb Notion is fantastic, but I feel its design can sometimes be a bit too minimalist, making it hard to find certain features quickly. 😅 Plus, I'd love more customization options for themes and layouts! How about you, what do you think? 😄
    Gurkaran Singh
    Notion is like that one friend who always rearranges your furniture when you're not looking - it's great, but sometimes it just moves things around without asking!
    I guess one thing that can be challenging about Notion is its learning curve, especially for new users. The flexibility and customization options can sometimes feel overwhelming at first, making it tricky to set up and organize information efficiently. Additionally, while its feature set is extensive, integrating and managing complex databases or large amounts of data can be a bit cumbersome without prior experience.