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  • What do you do to maximise your effectiveness every day?

    Arthur Zablocki
    11 replies
    I've been recently exploring various ways in which I could feel more productive each day to actually get stuff done. Currently, my focus is on planning my day in a way where I can have a power down session at least twice (laying in bed, eyes closed for 20-30 minutes each time). Some are some things that you've tried, that helped you in being more productive?


    Manas Sharma
    Set noprocrast = "yes" on HackerNews in my case But it's generally true for everyone. We tend to procrastinate on things we like. Getting hold of your time is how you get hold of your day.
    Gladys Atienza
    I'm with you in the planning part. Before I start working, I check my calendar and email to help me decide which task I need to prioritize. I take short breaks every couple of hours.
    Richard Gao
    I try to keep goals realistic and focus on getting things done rather than time taken to do things. I notice I get the least done when I set goals too big for myself in a single day, but once I start doing things more incrementally, I get more done.
    Maria Batrin
    Sunday reviews of the week ahead and some sports breaks (even basic ones will help a lot)
    sowmya k s
    Try to keep my goals and perfect in my work
    Andrew Howe
    Every day I do two things. First, I write down three things I want to accomplish in the next sixty days. That way I have a checklist . Second, I write down specific things to do each day to move one of those goals forward. I write these three things and one specific thing in the morning, before I do anything else. I keep a physical list and a computer file for this. I do this every day. It keeps me focused, and it gives me the feeling I am making progress.
    Noshaid Ali
    Launching soon!
    I reduce weight loss to a science. To be effective, I work in short bursts of time. I finish one task and then go on to the next. I know exactly what I’m going to do before I sit down, and I don’t get up until I’ve finished it. And I schedule my day hour by hour.
    Launching soon!
    The key to success and productivity is to have a very clear idea of what your priorities are, and also to plan everything in advance. First of all, you need to make a list of everything that you need and want to do in the next few days. Then sort them into three categories: must do, should do and want to do. The must- and should-do tasks must be completed before anything else. The want-to tasks can be done whenever you want (later).
    Lubna Amber
    You will be more effective if you can develop a calm before the storm. Your body reacts to the high-stress situations just before you enter a room in which you will be delivering a key presentation, or when you are sitting in your car just before you are about to get into a big argument with your spouse. Spend some time every day sitting quietly and breathing deeply to help you keep calm in high-stress situations. It really works!
    Nyla Chughtai
    You may want to start your day by reading the newspaper or a current magazine or even listening to the news on the radio. That way, you'll be up to date on the current events. You'll also be aware of any changes, price fluctuations, or new developments that could affect your business and your customers. If there are any particularly interesting stories, you can follow up on them a bit later, after you've had your morning coffee.