🕵️ What are your Top 3 Secrets before launch? Here’s mine.

Kausambi Manjita
50 replies
Launching a product is as much art as science. Personally for me, over several successful launches, I now have 3 must haves - 1. Dog-food it Thoroughly used it for a day yourself. Make sure everything ticks. You don't need to be perfect, but don't be caught unawares. 2. Get alpha feedback Get at least a couple 3p users who are not the makers to try it. Get a sense of whether it’s easy and it works. As makers, we suffer from the curse of knowledge and we know how exactly things work. 3. Measure, measure, measure Have a way to understand how users are using your product! Esp. on the day of a launch, details on engagement, usage & adoption can really help you take right decisions for the road ahead. What are your must-haves?


Apoorva Shukla
Super useful insights for any product launch 🚀 !
Jagtar Singh
1. Do market research 2. Promote your product 3. Create a landing page
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@jagtarsingh2 now you have digged up a nest here - how do you do market research?
Paroksh Saxena
This is a good list :+1:
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@paroksh_saxena1 Thanks! What's been your experience?
karthikvarma indla
Very insightful and spot-on, saving it for later launches
Sachin Antony
The list is spot-on!🌟, Would be helpful in launching a product 🚀
Edward G
Flavored Resume
Flavored Resume
Great list! I'm not well-experienced yet in launches so I don't have my own contributions yet.
Harris Cheng
🙌🏻 Good points there @kmanjita, and here's mine: 1. Make a video Believe it or not, most people just spend less than 10 seconds on all your materials combined (including the long maker comment and all the visuals) The attention timespan for most visitors is much more limited than you expected. Something interactive, with a warm touch (e.g a demo video) will be a biggggg plus. 2. Make a landing page just for PH with easy CTA Make it easy for visitors, so easy that your 70-year old aunt can understand it. 3. Optimize for visual attraction This might be controversial, as I'm also a big believer of the Lean Startup concept. But for PH launch, it's worth making nice wrappings on your product. Better design -> better CTR -> higher ranking + user signups -> higher potential to get featured from YouTubers / media (out of personal experience) Hope this helps!
Hiro - Atsuhiro Teshima
Hi Kausambi, thank you for sharing the tips! I'm curious what kind of metrics you are majoring and what kind of tools you are using for it?
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@atsuhiro_teshima thanks for the question! Specific metrics will depend on the workflow, but its around user behaviour in app, such as (for example in case of a quiz) #questions answered, #completions, #replays We typically use amplitude!
surabhi mohadikar
I completely relate to points 1 & 2. Last finishing touches make a huge impact. A well composed list indeed @kmanjita
Kausambi Manjita
AI Titans - The Quiz
@surabhi_mohadikar1 have you experienced it personally?
Abhinay kumar
This makes a lot of sense, definitely something we will be implementing for our upcoming launch on 17th August.
Lokap Sahu
Your pocket interviewer, InPrepAI
This is really insightful. Thanks for this @kmanjita This is something we could incorporate with our launch as well!!
Sourav Mohanty
A must-have list for me will be 1. Test for leakages and broken links before going live. It won't make sense if we are bringing in the traffic but the users are getting lost or having trouble proceeding forward. 2. Pre & Post-launch The launches should be planned in advance with all the relevant team members in the loop. In addition, external or third-party validation might prove helpful as well. Post-launch experience should also be taken into consideration - it could be a certain user delight through rewards or maybe free access ( whatsoever is relevant to the end-user). 3. Analyze, Tweak & Iterate Document the learnings - failures as well as successes and work out on solutions for the next launch.
Sergey Firkin
Thanks for sharing!
Kevin Li
What's the key metrics when you measure the performance?
Barada Sahu
@lidongsjtu Look for specific based on your app category but key ones I measure are : - visit (to-site) - install - activation (define your key activation action(s)) - depth of engagement (e.g. time spent, # of actions done) If a free product, you can drop the install and check the rest along with some completion indicator.
Shasheesh Purohit
Very helpful! thanks for sharing!
Kabir Kohli
AI Titans - The Quiz
A very well crafted top notch list
Ecommerce Field Guide by Mason
A must, indeed!
Kumar Harsh
Elevating convenience and intelligence