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  • What are your top 3 core values?

    Slim Geransar
    121 replies
    I’m talking about you as a person and not your business. Have you even considered this? If not, now is the time. Everything you do should align with these.


    Jonathan Tahiry
    Perseverance, excellence and empathy
    gcui-art/suno-api:Open-source SunoAI API
    gcui-art/suno-api:Open-source SunoAI API
    Launching soon!
    kindness, curiosity, and passion.
    @blueeon you have 2 of mine! Kindness and passion. I wish I was way more curious though lol. My third is reliability.
    @blueeon A stellar trio! Kindness, curiosity, and passion, a recipe for making the world a better place. Keep radiating those positive vibes!
    @blueeon @slimmy82 That's a power-packed trio! Kindness, passion, and reliability, the dynamic blend for making waves. What sparked your choice of reliability as the third member of your stellar values team?
    Neel Patel
    My superpowers: Generosity. Empathy. Trust.
    @neelptl2602 An extraordinary trinity! Generosity, empathy, and trust, the superpowers that make a real-life superhero. 💪
    Tanvirul Huda
    My top three core values are integrity, empathy, and continuous learning.
    Isla Baker
    Curiosity Empathy Innovation
    Jacob Choi
    Haha what a great discussion topic. Using that life is a journey metaphor, I like think of it like a car. Curiosity as the motivation (gas), Integrity as the track, and Reflection to give value (measure) to the distance we've come. Slim, what are yours?
    @jacob_boston I love cars so this resonates with me haha. Mine are kindness (be kind and receive kind) passionate (be in love and excited with the things that lit you up) and be reliable (to yourself and others)
    Jacob Choi
    @slimmy82 Haha I'm glad you liked the analogy. Great point you made there about the importance of reliability, especially to yourself. The foundation of our brands all come from the confidence we have behind ourselves and our work, which comes from the reputation we keep with ourselves to our own word & follow through. (Not completely my words, pretty sure I remembered some of that from a Ted Talk haha)
    Dedication, Humbleness, Integrity
    Shivangi Awasthi
    Empathy, Discipline, Hardwork
    Salim Lunat
    Webestica Webflow Templates
    Webestica Webflow Templates
    For me, it's integrity, empathy, and continuous learning 🤝❤️🌱
    Launching soon!
    I have observed that 3 values I have: - Kindness and a willingness to offer help and support to those in need. - Speaking with confidence and having trust in the process. - I value respecting those who share similar beliefs.
    Huudle AI Project Assistant
    hardwork, transparency, never give up
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Freedom, education and relationships.
    @busmark_w_nika relationships is a good one. Are you referring to family, friends, community?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @slimmy82 Exactly. But not only people that I already know but it's also about the people I'll meet in the future.
    Empathy. Passion. Perseverance.
    Ritesh Kumar Prasad
    AppSave by Appscribed
    Punctuality, Gratitude, and hard-work!
    Tornike Tsiramua
    Passion, Empathy, Trust!
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    Honesty, empathy, curiosity.
    Lilangani Rathmale
    1. Gratitude 2. Keeping good intentions in everything you do ( I believe that’s the way to be blessed) 3. Caring others around you
    Lilangani Rathmale
    @slimmy82 😊thanks Slim.. glad you resonated with that.. there might be more when we do good things, even if it’s not the usual, others will catch on eventually. That’s how we can change the world for better even with little acts ✨
    Daniel Burns
    Empathy, Hopefulness, Dedication
    Gary Diao
    Empathy, Kindness, Never give up.
    I think values are relative. People have different values in different scenarios, so it's hard for me to say which three are the most important. What about you? What do you think? 👀
    @iris_y you do make an I retesting point and to be fair there are values that may come in different phases of life. But at your core, there are a few that have always been with you if you dig deep. Even it’s just one. For me, I have always been kind/passionate and reliable.
    @iris_y Absolutely, values are like the versatile GPS of life, sometimes recalculating based on the terrain!
    Jeff Fajans
    @iris_y I lean more toward @slimmy82 and feel there are usually at least 1 or 2 core values that are deeply rooted in your Self and although they may manifest or express differently at diff times of your life, remain relatively stable. But I'd love to hear more about what scenarios bring out what values for you to learn more!
    @slimmy82 @jefffajans Thank you for your comments, I am very willing to provide some additional explanations. (I might be a bit extreme, this is just my personal opinion) For example, in life, being honest is my value, but in business or certain social situations, I can only achieve "limited honesty." If people say this is my core value, but can't guide all their actions, then does this statement still make sense? I just want to make life better for myself and friends. If I have to say a value, it would be “try not to hurt others”
    @iris_y absolutely. Also there’s no right or wrong answer. Each person is different and has different opinions which is what makes discussions so great!