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  • What are your plans for next week?

    Rhys Webber
    6 replies
    It's Monday tomorrow, what are you planning on getting done next week? I'm aiming to finish my MVP and start getting some users!


    Igar Volan
    Wish you good luck and persistence with finishing it. What will do your product?
    Rhys Webber
    @ihar_murashka Thank you! I'm building a tool which helps product teams collaborate and work efficiently, you can check it out at https://usewippy.com
    Shariq A
    Continue making short promotional videos to highlight our product features
    Dafni Chontou
    Good luck on shipping your MVP Rhys! My plan for the week • Personally onboard 4 new users on Wonderpath • Create action plan templates for 10 goals for our library - I'm crowdsourcing ideas here: https://twitter.com/dafnihnd/sta... • And pack - I'm travelling to Greece on Friday