What are you usually doing on Product Hunt?

Natalie Karakina
47 replies
Do you check the Upcoming page? Do you upvote? Comment? Or something else? Share your journey, it is interesting to understand what people usually do on Product Hunt


Jason Cavness
I comment on some of the discussions, upvote products that interest me.
Tim Carambat
Well I was a maker first, but now i work here (still a maker though!). I am always checking the products on homepage (esp the ones below the fold - can be some real gems there) and also participating in discussions sorted by New. really the comment section below cool products is where its at!
Natalie Karakina
@tim_carambat I do it too! I love to read comments – that's how I find great products with active makers
Mert Aktas
Check out some cool new tools to add to my growth stack :) And if I like one, check AppSumo or similar LTD platforms to see if it's possible to catch a good deal
Natalie Karakina
@mert_aktas love your journey, no typical one
Dimitris Karavias
Mainly take part in the latest discussions
Ryan Hoover
@dkaravias ❤️ that articulation
Dimitris Karavias
@nataliekarakina Came for the products stayed for the people
Natalie Karakina
@dkaravias discussions lovers here
Emma Phượng Nguyễn
Answer community questions and votes :)
Natalie Karakina
@emmanguyen thanks for sharing! ⚡️
Natalie Karakina
@imran_mahmud1 not everyone going to Upcoming page, unfortunately, you are unique
sulyman moyo
I just surf, Upvote some products i feel might be helpful to me or other people. Then check the discussions and leave
Natalie Karakina
@repreneur thanks for sharing!
Mahmud Imran
Manish Rawat
I like to participate in discussions as it is a fun way of knowing people's perspectives on various things, I do check out other pages but now daily. What about you?
Natalie Karakina
@manish_rawat1 love discussions too! Check notifications first, next – go to discussions, next – to new products
Siddhesh Lokare
I feel that PH is more about giving back to the product and startup community in the form of upvotes, feedbacks and much more. That's what I do here!
Audrey Rampon
Everyday I look at today's product launches, I comment, upvote, take part in or open discussions when needed.
Natalie Karakina
@audrey_rampon everyday working routine. Check you PH on weekends?
Rodela Rahman
yes,I check the upcoming page & i comment on some of the discussions, upvote products that interest me.
Natalie Karakina
@rodela_rohman my personal statistic (ha-ha) tells me that only a few members check the Upcoming page, check us: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
Miri Blayckher
I love reading the questions and answers, and catch up on the new and upcoming products
Natalie Karakina
@miri_blayckher in comments or here (in discussions)?
Miri Blayckher
@nataliekarakina here! It's a great place to connect and read up on interesting topics. How about you?
Natalie Karakina
@miri_blayckher I started from comments, but now love discussions more
Ubani Danvers
I'm just here for the riiidddeee...
Being new here, nobody reads my posts (despite their Pulitzer level quality é_è ) so I hang around answering people requests where i have some experience and/or expertise
Natalie Karakina
@raoufremidan Wow! It's OK to be the newcomer. In love with your self-irony ✨
Md Mahmud
I just surf, Upvote some products i feel might be helpful to me or other people. Then check the discussions and leave
Natalie Karakina
@md_mahmud1 have you found any interesting products for your daily routine here?
Amatuallah Sumaiya
I comment on some of the discussions, upvote products that interest me.