What are you crushing this week? 🔨
Adrian Cole
19 replies
Share your one liner goal for the week.
Mine: Build a new landing page for VoiceBlasts
What's on yours?
Miriam Dorsett@miriamdorsett
What are you using to build the new page @adriancole
I am also building the new landing page for QUOKA!
@adriancole It's an anonymous messaging exchange designed to increase the mental health of founders 💛
@adriancole will do!
Booking e-commerce speakers for our live events next week. 🙂
@nikkielizdemere ok I get it. Just wondering about pricing transparency.
@nikkielizdemere Do you have to pay them ? or is the exposure usually enough?
@adriancole Good question! ♥️ Definitely discussing rates.
@nikkielizdemere What's the usual range for something like that?
@adriancole I always just ask them their rates, like I would a copywriter. Unfortunately I don’t have industry benchmarks.
For us, it's getting our Version 0.1 (MVP) shipped!
@between_team What are you building?
@adriancole We're building a new calling experience for hybrid calls. Remote members can call and move their voices around the room as if they're actually there.
This allows for smoother and faster hybrid conversations. In traditional hybrid setups (Zoom rooms), you have to pay a lot of money for hardware and the remote members can only speak one at a time! With Between you can have a hybrid office setup with multiple different conversations that can happen at once.
@between_team spatial audio is cool. Sign me up as an early tester.