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  • ๐Ÿ”ŽWhat are the Top-3 things you are looking in an AI-powered product?

    Sandra Djajic
    7 replies
    When we were building Klu.so AI, it was important for us to make it: ๐Ÿ”ธ User-friendly and responsive. Klu.so is built to be understood with no extra effort. All the interactions are intuitively clear, seamless and effortless. ๐Ÿ”ธ Referring to direct sources of information. Users can see where the information came from (for example, the information came from several different sources on Gmail and Notion, and a user can actually see the direct linked to the sources of that data) ๐Ÿ”ธ Flexible to different sort of user problems and requests. Our users not only can type a prompt and receive a simple answer. The response can also be formed in a specific way for a desired purpose (for a newsletter or an email) https://klu.so/ What do you think, did we nail it? Also, share your thoughts on the AI-powered product features in the comments! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ


    Andrรฉ J
    1. Frequency of product updates. If I can't find it easily, I assume its abandonware 2. Customisation. Less opinionated product, more un-opinionated. 3. Some way to use it for free and paid. Sometimes you have to reorg your budgets etc.
    @sentry_co Very good points, I haven't heard it before from this perspective, well said. I remember last time I told you about Klu.so's free trial and free plan, have you checked it out yet?:)
    This is very cool. I use sidekick and pin my apps. I also use the search bar right on windows and MAC. iPhone search works well. Andorid, not so much - good portion of the market with android apps, the search and organization is more difficult. AI Product feature: Find similar apps to the ones you love. Get discounts on the apps you love AI power user features for your apps: There are a lot of notion guides et all. for all your apps. Nice work tuning your message in and with the UX. It looks great on the front end. The ultimate litmus test: I didn't buy it, because, there are simply not enough apps there. I don't think I'm your demographic necessarily. I've got 224 apps installed at last check on my google Suite. I use them all, or remove them after a billing cycle passes. Good luck with your launch, I'll send a connection request so I'll be alerted when you go live and can show some love! To Your Success, Steve Kaplan AI
    @stevekaplanai Thank you for the informative reply, Steve! Have you ever tried Klu.so to keep track on your cloud based apps and data search across them? I think this would be a perfect fit to your work flow, according to what you described :)
    Benard Ogutu
    I think you guys nailed it.
    @benard_ogutu That is great to hear! I assume you tried Klu.so, so how did you like it, what was the best part of your experience. And feel free to contact me in case you have any questions or feedback, I will be so glad to help you with any issue!
    Dane Tolson
    Great solution, thanks. That is really the ai era. Sandra, it sounds like Klu.so AI is hitting some essential points for user-centric design in AI products! The emphasis on user-friendliness, source transparency, and flexibility is crucial. From my perspective, one thing that similarly enhances AI-powered products, especially in the realm of software development, is the integration of Generative AI for Software Testing, that is why I attended ai testing courses and I am very happy with my knowledge now. This application not only streamlines testing processes but also adapts to complex user inputs and scenarios, much like Klu.so seems to handle diverse user requests.