What are the best case studies that you've seen for Producthunt launches?

Mayank Jain
7 replies
Would love to learn how different companies have approached this and had an amazing launch.


Fabian Maume
The case study by Limpod was quite interesting for me as it said not to prepare too much: https://medium.com/@guillaume.mo... I have a case study of my own where I compare my no-frill vs all-in product hunt launch: https://medium.com/@fabian-maume... LUNADIO also has a nice case study about combining product hunt launch with life time deal: https://www.lunadio.com/blog/we-...
Mayank Jain
/@guillaume /@fabian @fabian_maume thanks a lot for sharing all these. Case study by Limpod in definitely very interesting :)
Hélène SAN
@mjain_mayank of course, that's totally normal! :)
Mayank Jain
@helene_san thank you for sharing this. Really helpful as we prepare for our launch :)
Hélène SAN
@mjain_mayank wish you the best for your launch, feel free to contact me when you launch
Mayank Jain
@helene_san sure thing, thank you 🙏