What alternative metrics does your team consider?

❉ Ksenia
4 replies
I'm curious because I believe there are many aspects to consider beyond the metrics we're used to (CTA, CSI, etc) It's time to explore some new ones


Mary Garcia
We look at Velocity (how many features or story points we complete per sprint), Cycle Time (how long it takes from starting work on a feature to deploying it), and NPS to gauge customer satisfaction. Would be curious to hear other metrics teams find insightful!
Julia Watson
Focusing on customer lifetime Value (CLV) is helping us understand the true value each customer brings over time.
Tom Nick
My team often looks at Customer Retention Rate alongside the usual metrics. It gives us a better idea of long term satisfaction.
Charlos Brat
Exploring new metrics sounds exciting! I’ve started focusing on customer retention and the quality of interactions