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  • What about reading books?

    Martin Schumacher
    27 replies
    I'm not a person that is really reading much. Mostly I'm taking my time to take a book and read or even finish it. Generally, when it comes to reading, I take a book before sleeping. What about you? Are you reading a lot? When and What are you reading? What was the last book? My latest book was "Der Weg zur finanziellen Freiheit - Bodo Schäfer"


    Shokat Ali
    I listen to audio books. It is more convenient for me.
    Judith Clary
    Enhances knowledge and understanding: Books offer a gateway to countless subjects, broadening your perspective and enriching your knowledge base on everything from history and philosophy to science fiction and contemporary fiction.
    Kabir Haynes
    Develops vocabulary and language skills: Immersing yourself in different writing styles and genres expands your vocabulary and refines your understanding of language, making you a more articulate communicator.
    Artyom Sviridov
    I like reading a lot :) And not only books but articles as well.
    Igor Lysenko
    Sometimes I read books, but more psychologically and various studies. It is very interesting
    Sunil Ayar
    I love to read a book
    I am not a big reader either, to be honest. But I totally get you. Reading can be a challenge with a busy schedule. Btw your latest book sounds interesting.
    ahhh I wish I had more time for books... there are few on my list
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Trying to read smth daily. Usually early morning or before sleep. Helps brain switching from 24/thoughts about work and get wider perspective.
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Right now reading Billion Dollar Looser (WeWork story)
    Felya Bilgen
    I'm a big fan of books, especially those about psychology and neuroscience! 📚💕 Lately, I've been hooked on clinical psychology reads—they're like a peek into the mysteries of the mind.
    Annie Chopra
    I am definitely a lover of reading!! I actually have a little bit of an addiction lol I read business/self improvement books in the morning and usually get a little bit of reading in right before I sleep on my phone (some fantasy reads) - this has been really effecting my sleep of late LOL
    Martin Schumacher
    @annie_chopra Do you have any suggestions for business and self-improvement nooks?
    Joël Wurtz
    I like reading a lot! But I have a simple rule for myself, only read to solve the problems I'm facing right now. For ex. when I started building my startup, I read 'The Lean Startup'. When I had to focus on sales, I read 'Never Split the Difference'. This way I don't waste time on learning things I don't need and focus on the important stuff.
    Nithin Jawahar
    I'm not much into books now. But was reading a lot of them until a few years back. 2 books that got me into reading are: Rich dad Poor dad (It's pretty controversial book now I heard) and Predictably Irrational (That blew my mind about what good marketing can do) And Sapiens is a must read too. I have completed only like 10% of it, but I can still say it completely changes your perspective on evolution, life, people and everything around you.
    Reading books is been there for thousands of years for gathering knowledge and wisdom . Even im not a book guy but yet trying to create a habit of reading books
    Lakshya Singh
    I have started Deep work recently. Couldn't read much though.
    Dmytro Semyrian
    I'm the kind of person who starts reading books to put ideas into action right away. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. Being a perfectionist, I try to get the most out of what I read right away. This often prevented me from reading a book to the end. I decided to change my approach to reading. I started using the sammari more often before reading books, writing out the key ideas for myself and then reading the whole book if the ideas were important. This paid off. My reading list began to grow. Now I've created Bookideas where I've collected key ideas from thousands of books for business and personal development. If the idea interests you, follow me so you don't miss the launch 🚀
    Chris at Yakjive
    It took me MANY years to realize that books are condensed learnings from others that simply can save you time. Recently read Obviously Awesome. Quick read. Was a good refresher/validation for me, but would be super helpful to early career founders. There are many ways to build a great product, but it's best if you actually know the kind of product that you are building.
    Engaging with books is a timeless pursuit that not only enriches the mind but also serves as a gateway to diverse worlds of knowledge. The act of reading fosters intellectual growth, critical thinking, and empathy, making it a valuable endeavor in any era.