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  • Website Review?

    3 replies
    I was recently doing a few recruiting calls and asked the candidates to take a couple of minutes to check our website and explain what Inrō (our tool) does in a couple of sentences. The answers are often fascinating and give many insights into how people interpret our platform and whether they can easily understand the value we are trying to deliver, even if they have never heard of the tool/industry before. I would love to do a similar exercise in this thread. We can all share our landing pages or coming soon pages, and other people can try explaining in 1 line what they understood the tool did. These insights would help improve copywriting & messaging before your next launch. I'll start, here's ours - https://www.inro.social/ (Landing) https://www.producthunt.com/products/inro (Coming soon)


    Emily Willis
    Great idea Kshitij - I'd love feedback on ours also as we're refining our brand positioning right now! So here's my feedback on your landing page (& I've already followed your launch page) - the info top of the page is very clear to me - I understand your tech is specific to DM comms on Instagram only & it's for marketing automation, which I understand well - I watched the demo - it's very clear - (looks great!) Inro looks easy to use & I understand it improves conversion rates, allows me to leverage my influential followers on IG etc - the custom AI agent looks fantastic - very similar to any AI, you can brief it with your biz info & it can auto answer high-volume customer comms on IG to reduce admin/workload The only question I have is re multimedia. For the Marlee business, our technology is complex so engaging with text messages only is less likely to convert for us. I'd need to create a demo, or animated gif/video etc & send to re-engage lapsed community members for eg, in our new Marlee AI, or other new features, so the only thing I'd add to your landing page, would be clearer messaging on multimedia. - can I upload videos? - can I upload animated gifs? - can I share an audio message? - can I share a research PDF with our latest findings? - can our sales team use our IG channel to send sales (PDF) pitch decks for eg? 2 other questions which would be a barrier for me to convert: - how much does it cost? There's no pricing info. - you have 'try for free', but for me to connect all our business accounts, trust factors come into play as our platform & brand must be absolutely secure, so I'd need to be reassured about your privacy policy, ethics, spam considerations etc. Why is there no paid plan? How do I know my biz accounts will remain secure? How do you commercialise your technology if there's no paid plan? Will you attach your brand to my automated messages? Will paid ads be attached to them? I hope that helps. I'd love your thoughts on the Marlee homepage - https://getmarlee.com We already launched on Product Hunt end of May - here's our launch page, which has a video & screen grabs etc - https://www.producthunt.com/prod... I'd love your (or others) honest opinion about 'what" Marlee is & what the benefits are etc. Is it easily understood?
    Emily Willis
    @kshitij11 Thanks so much for your detailed analysis, this is invaluable feedback. It's interesting you describe Marlee as a coach - that's really perceptive - coaching is our DNA but not something we explicitly communicate in our brand messaging so that gives us lots to think about. Time to value is also one of our biggest challenges, so another great pick up - it's why we launched the new version of Marlee on Product Hunt. Thanks again 🙏🏼
    @emily_willis1 Hey Emily, first off - a big thank you for the detailed review. The insights are really interesting, and I'll discuss them with my team to improve upon them right away :) To answer your questions though - - All multimedia that Instagram supports is supported, so it's everything but PDFs. - It is paid, and as soon as people create an account before starting the trial, they must select a plan. Also, it tells you during the process of our verification by Meta as a trusted tech provider to instill more confidence. The privacy policy and other things are already visible on the website at the bottom for people curious about them, but I think we need to highlight our Meta Approval better. But I agree. All this should be clear before the user signs up, so this is very helpful advice. Thank you again. - Okay, now for Marlee - I really like the demo video and the interactive "Ask Marlee" button on the website. It gives me a decent idea of what to expect. To my understanding, Marlee is an AI-driven personalized insights tool for remote teams, basically digital coaching for teams. Your targets are primarily remote teams, which could work for any team. (Saw Coachhub as a competitor so got an idea right away of what Marlee does) Basically, I need to answer a few questions about what questions I want to know answers for, then fill in my responses for different questions too. Based on the data you have from the research, you then analyze it and provide me personalized insights for the questions I am curious about & use my answers to do the same for my peers. Now, there are a few things that I am not sure about - Q1. Time to value is a big concern for me. This is one of those interesting tools, but it becomes difficult to adopt across the organization and would require a lot of time to set up & maintain. (even though the demo says 2 mins) Q2. How do I measure if it's helping or not? There's no clear KPI I can use to understand the direct value from Marlee. So, what exactly can it help me solve immediately? Q3. What is the exact science behind it? How do I know I can trust the insights & it's not generic stuff for the questions I am curious about (I know it's science-backed, but what exactly does that translate to in results) Other feedback - 1. I would highlight the main features better on the landing page - I didn't know at first that it could help with benchmarking, talent mapping & development, etc. until I checked the sub-pages. 2. The Hero section is amazing, but there's too much white space below it (the font and images are too small, too), which is a little off-putting. 3. I love the coaching resources, top logos, and other stuff—it inspires a lot of confidence and paints you as an expert, too. 4. Finally, to answer your question, I think it's difficult to understand Marlee's positioning. The one about individuals is pretty clear, but the one for teams has a lot of buzz words. I don't understand right away what it does. Hope all that helps, happy to discuss it further :)