We made Top 3! Thank you! What do you wanna see in the next "successful launch" post you read?

Emily Matick
9 replies
Hey folks, Yesterday we launched the AI Creator Hub and made #3! I don't think that success would have been possible without the support of this community, and I'm continually blown away by just how friendly everyone is on here and eager to share. So, again, THANK YOU everyone who helped us win yesterday. It meant a lot as a first-timer. πŸ₯²πŸš€ Having read a lot of "how to win on product hunt" posts in prep for launch day, there were some things I found more difficult to take and quantify in my own marketing plans; For those of you coming up to launches or looking for support, what would be the most helpful to learn from? What are the specific metrics or tactical elements of a launch you're looking for? Resources? Let me know!


Ruben Lozano
Congratulations @emily_matick :) Insights about your experience doing this. Also, I would like to know what did you do to learn from the subscribers. Which type of questions did you ask to improve your product? Cheers,
Emily Matick
The AI Creator Hub by Kajabi
@rubenlozanome We didn't get a ton of feedback on the product but we will be conducting user interviews.
Congratulations Emily! πŸŽ‰
Shubham Pratap Singh
Congratulations @emily_matick πŸŽ‰
Tornike Phkhovelishvili
Congrats. Would be helpful to see the step-by-step guide on your marketing actions. For example, I do have a teaser page now and launch scheduled, what is next I am not sure though :)
Emily Matick
The AI Creator Hub by Kajabi
@tornike_phkhovelishvili Thank you! To answer your question, drumming up support for your launch would be key. You want to be able to set a foundation of support on the day to ensure your product gets seen