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  • We got 70 upvotes in the first 3 hours but are not featured yet.

    Umut Sönmez
    1 reply
    Hi hunters, We just launched our new product today. It is a free Notion file: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/ultimate-e-commerce-handpicked-resources We launched at 00.01 AM and got 70 upvotes in the first 3 hours. We are not featured yet. This is my 4th launch on Product Hunt. And this is the first time I see a thing like this. Do you have any ideas? Thank you.


    Phillip Miller
    Thrilled to see the initial support with 70 upvotes in the first 3 hours, just curious about how the featuring process works on Product Hunt, as we are yet to be featured – any insights would be greatly appreciated!